
I don't really write too much about coffee, but it's not so much a habit as an enjoyment, maybe 4 or 5 days of the week. The crappy coffee even for a neophyte like me is not an option. I never really claim to be able to feel the difference between bikes or different stuff, I think it's called perspacacity, but good coffee and good wheels and tires are two things I can feel. Oh yeah, and bad fish! We made some salmon that was in the fridge for a week the oter night and I sort of overcooked it a bit on the grill and still when I tried a little piece, it had a metallic and sort of chemical taste to it. The fish was bad, needless to say I spit out the remainder and drank a beer and ate a good bit of non-rotten dinner and then a thing of cinnamon rolls for goo measure. I didn't get sick but I thought for sure I would be waking up at midnight with the pukey-shits. I got lucky! Lately we are back on the salad with chicken dinner, which I love. It's so good and good for you, salad is one of those things that makes you feel more fit after just eating it. I wonder if Joel gets to race clydesdale in cross? He'd really do some damage then!

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