
They think a lynx is running around the south side of Peak 10. It makes me feel good to know that there are predators that are above humans in the food chain. We have a few mountain lions and now that lynx are suspected to be here I'm more excited to go into the backcountry. I have never seen one but I bet they have seen me. A few years ago Shaubie and I thought that we saw mountain lion tracks above Frisco. Knowing that animals like that are around makes the backcountry experience better, man needs a little healthy competition. Skiing over fresh snow on the trails we fly across in the summer and stopping to examine tracks is one of the coolest things about winter, in summer tracks are lost, winter leaves them for a while allowing evidence of who was there earlier. Just after a snow is the best, when it's soft and the tracks linger preserved, you can see what happened just a few minutes or a few hours before. The further back you get the less traffic, better for viewing. More naturalist stuff later.

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