

6 inches of fresh today. The snow was super quiet, I got in a little extra time on the trip in. I have a had time understanding corporate America. The way that the government helps big business is really odd. You get more of a tax cut for driving an H2 than you do for driving a hyprid. By that logic they are going to hit me with a tax eventually for riding my bike and not gobbling up more fossil fuels. As though a gas guzzling 10 mpg (not advertised) H2 is better for the world than some schmuck riding a bike. Can't we raise the gas prices to what they are in Europe or Canada? Maybe we would fight fewer unjustified wars? Maybe we could use the added taxes from the gas sales to promote alternative fuels? Oh, what am I thinking we're fucked for four more years...at least. www.fuh2.com

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