
Bike everyday

Today is bike to work day, I did, what if I drove or rode the bus today? Would I be letting the system down? I haven't driven myself to work in 5 months, bike or bus every day, what does that mean...I think there should be one day where it's ok to drive yourself solo to work, not one day that is the designated bike day. What about that? Public transportation or bike or walk and then one day you can drive yourself in without getting out the bike gear or the bus-headphones-I-don't-want-to-look-talk-see-interact-with-anybody-gear. I do realize the Utopian nature of my thoughts, however, isn't this possible a few days a week? Or what about one? I think it is doable. I feel slow on the rolling stuff today. One direction is ok, I prefer it, but I was better on the sustained climbs this morning, punchy ones hurt. The bike is so comfy, an extension of whatever it is that it is an extension of. Quiet solitude on the trail beat the bike path hands down, even the off leash dogs chasing me weren't enough to ruin the pleasant rolling through the woods. Same tomorrow. Pics tonight.

1 comment:

Jared Roy said...

I prefer burning gas with a sack of claws on the passenger seat.