
I was thinking today about a letter I wrote to my friend Mark K years ago, it was when the Unabomber Trial was going on right after they finally caught Ted. I was trying to figure out why one person could find so much hate to send bombs throuh the mail and kill people he didn't even know. In some ways he is worse than the terrorists from 9/11, he was doing it over and over again just for reasons that lacked sense. Perhaps we are avoiding the most common reason for anyone to accomplish such acts; insanity. Whether it is for religious or idiological reasons it is very foolish to try to look for logic in the world of psychopathy. Oh well enough of that, I had a great ride today with the group, it actually felt good, really! After wednesday I wondered whether or not it ever would again. Rest works! I went to bed last night at 7.45, it was glorious! I slept I think about 8.5 hours, wonderful! At some point taking your own advice is a good thing! My coaching philosophy to all racers, rest more! If you think you need a day off but feel guilty because of it, DON"T! We all do plenty of riding, but not nearly enough rest.

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