

Inattention and I got the wake up I needed. No more half-way, half assed set-ups. Go or don't, this is the shortest season we have and where I want to be. Almost there, the fitness grows and the legs are responding when I give the chance to open. If I don't capitalize, my own fault. They tried another move on me yesterday that I didn't get a chance to counter. Send one off the front and chop me at the end of the start straight. Force me to chase, open up the gap and let it all happen. My fault, my mistake(s) I know better and I didn't use all of my tools, I missed the chance to give them an f-u, you can't pull that shit on me. Now, I have the hunger back and the legs are ready for more work. Better days to come, double digits for the year. No more, next week begins the second half. Ready?
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Anonymous said...

chop you, that is a little much....

attack you, isolate you, the old 2 on 1, even take advantage of a mistake.....

seems a little extreme, with denny back maybe they will make the mistake of not being able to focus on you as much

Tim said...

OK, chop is a bit strong, isolation is fair, it doesn't mean I liked not getting to where I wanted to go, ha! I love it, don't get me wrong, makes me better and makes for a better race.

Anonymous said...

what ever we call it, i like watching to make it all seem pointless