
Full head, empty

The full moon usually makes me happy except when I get in this mode where sleep is harder to find, constantly wondering if I overslept, or not being able to gauge how much time I have until I need to wake up is skewed by the bright moonlight. I can tell if it's really early, or late, and know I can fall back asleep and get some more time. But, the full moon gets me every time. I don't know what my head does, even if I did have a clock or a watch the effort of looking at it would wake me to the point of getting me up anyway. I let it happen and enjoy what I got and relax. Hoping my body got what it needed and is now ready for the day. Chemical sleep aids scare me, I have been offered Ambien, Lunesta, not really my thing I think tonight I'll try Keller's suggestion; Porter. That'll work better than that other stuff.


Greg said...

Mmm. Porter. Or go lighter an go for a 1554, Mr. F. One, maybe two is all you need. Sleep tight.

Anonymous said...

Try the Guinness extra stout in the bottle. No nitrogen widget. Temperature should be a few degrees below room temperature (cellar temperature, about 10C). One or two always gets me drowsy, lots of iron for the blood. Ward off the bed bugs as well.