

I'm getting over my joy of Jerry Falwell's death, enjoying my volume even more. Minimum of two hours a day and pushing 3+ as the week wears on. Good position on the bike and the body doesn't ache or load up. See George if you are close to Denver, the fit is amazing. You will be faster. Visit Yoda and see what you can do, and I'm not even sure what a Yoda is, Star Wars, right? Watching the Giro seeing the fastest guys in the world and they have these weird positions on the bike I wonder if they would be fast if they got fit and listened to the Oracle. Sleep is coming and the owrld seems to have more order, even the clouds line up, amazing what a bit of structure does to the chaos. Put the template down and plug in the numbers, better to find the keys quickly, slow is fat and fat is slow. Eager to see what the season brings, I know that the new order is im[proving whatever it is that is out of sync. It all falls into one place, 3d Tetris, perfect fit to 150 lines. Even at 4 in the morning. Order

1 comment:

gwadzilla said...

tetris is calling