

Maybe we aren't finished with this yet: Skating across black ice yesterday was better only because I had the path to ride, today will be full on snow riding more fun, I saw a moose the other day, he saw me too, I think. More than a few two wheel drifts, easier knowing I wasn't going to slide under a gas truck. I forget it's still March, with a clear path and a few warmer days I lose sight of the fact that we still have almost two months of snow left, maybe. I think I saw a knee or an elbow on the trip home last night, confusing. It was just there on the path, I wonder if it's missing it's owner.

1 comment:

BigWheelRider said...

The snow has turned to rain here in NE...how could one get their hands on a Team 29er Jersey...I wrench at a shop in Omaha, but have not seen an info on this suhweet jersey...here is my blog in case you aren't sure of my seriousness about 29er's - http://big-wheel.blogspot.com
Late, Wayne