

what happened? i got out and the rest just went away. not like i was leaving to go somewhere just out to get a pedal and then the whole thing settled into a nice little bundle of nerves. not always bad nerves but nerves anyway for nerves sake. it flew over my head like so much octopus ink, caught in a current of alternating power. a deep indigo, the color you only see in dreams that are lucky enough to vivid. better bones hit and bigger things to come as the path moves along. always a better picture around the corner inside and a better view outside. nothing is better than the next, forget the last. past, better to see what is in front than to worry about what is passed. looking forward, the sight not seen, yet. blue blues and perfect reds, the other colors find their own place in the spectrum. better to see than to look around for what is right in front.

1 comment:

Jared Roy said...

Tim, I just ran accross your blog. Let's get out for a ride soon. Cross is just around the corner.
Shoot me an email jaredmroy(at)hotmail.com