
in season

got out on the snowboard today, rode the snowcat to the top of tucker mtn. windswept mostly but the leeward slopes were pretty perfect. off the summit ridge was even better, pockets of great snow not skiied off at all. we got the last cat out of the valley to get up top to the good stuff. it felt great to be on the board, learning to tele has been cool but it felt great to be confident and competent on the snow. nothing crazy but really good high speed runs off the summit ridge between bowls, really fun stuff. on the way home i borrowed pure sweet hell
and got motivated all over again to train. it couldn't be farther from cross season right now but i'm ready for the change in the air, the crisp runs that make me want to puke. the taste of vomit and blood in the throat. the feeling that makes me smile. not too far off is road season, keeping the racing fun until fall, then the work will count and pay off. i hope.

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