
Crystal Ball

I'm starting to look for a spot just like this. A place to ride, drift a little and pedal.
It already started, 2 days into my break and sure enough I'm waking up early looking to make my 1st espresso, hit the trails, or just kill time until the rest of the time zone wakes up. I'll get to about a week out of commission before I'll have to pull the plug, mount up the fenders and really begin 2010. It's ok, if it wasn't the beast would knaw at me for weeks until I capitulated. I need to do something, too many things playing over and over in my head, at least I can still not leave the house on weekends. That's always the nicest part of the break. Then it's just to pedal anyway.


Jared Roy said...

That looks familiar. Put Jingle Cross and USGP Portland on your calendar for next year. The courses suit you well.

. said...

dawg, don't sweat the tube wrap Saturday, we all know what a bad MF'er you are, and that's all that really matters. And thanks for being humble and chatting about it...all class bro, all class.