

One last weekend until the cycle starts again in about 10 days, probably less. After I recover from the driving and then get my shit together for winter training I'll be ready to hit it. 2 weeks max of break. then build to one big effort that lasts about 8 months. The scabs will have faded into scars and the miserable suffering will only be remembered as cathartic. Yeah, I'll be back next time, why miss the best thing you can do to get ready for winter? I got off light, videos are everywhere of Treefarm's head-on collision, he was fine, he got lucky. Chris Auer got a bad one too, I was happy to didn't run him over, that one was right in front of me, I ran past.

1 comment:

Jared Roy said...

rock on bro.. good season.

see ya next year at Natz with a 1 y/o