
Another project in the works, selling the road machine in favor of a stiffer one. Maybe I can survive a shrine pass loop on a road bike? Better ride sew-ups that day. Almost 9 hours of sleep last night, the body feels a bit foggy from it. Great ride yesterday with B, we went ot frisco and back, pretty short day over all except for the wind on the way home. Stiff enough to barely make it back in time for lunch for him. We flew down there, downhill tailwind and then paid for it home, good resistance work, kind of like lifting on the bike, anything to stay out of the weight room. All afternoon I was seeing things, shadows looked like spills, hands looked like birds flying too close in my periphery. I wondered if I was just really tired or if my eyes were playing tricks from the wind we rode thru to get home on the ride. If it doesn't snow today I'm going to skate for a while. I need a change of pace for a day or two. Base remember?

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