
coffee & groceries

A lot of talk the past few weeks about starbux (javasport, gwadzilla and kottke.org) and how many are in your area. I guess I'm lucky in that I have one within 15 miles and three if you count all of summit county. Not that I am against their coffee, I think their coffee is just fine, if you like that style of roast. My issue is with the predatory practices that they apply. I know the company is routinely rated as a good employer but what of the practice of running the little guys out of business? I feel torn, if I travel I seek out the little coffee shop, but what resource is there to find independent coffee shops? I avoid Walmart and try to avoid the other big box stores, but I shop at City Market and when I'm lucky spout of entirely too much how I love Whole Foods and all of their wonderful wares. I know I come off as a hypocrite, but I like to eat and sometimes get lazy and go to the easy spot for my food. On the upside I haven't frequented a fast food place in 8 years. I know this has been an odd post, the train of thought ran away a bit.

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