

Long rides feel really good and bad these days, they feel good because I know I'm getting stronger and bad because for a few hours afterward I feel like shite. Green Mountain loop 5 hours without much shade, the sun is pretty bright at 9000 feet. Nice stiff wind both ways, head out and 3/4 tailwind back. Oddly very low redneck factor, a few inconsiderate idiots but not bad. I only stopped once, slice of pizza from Gp's just before going home. had some company along the way, always helps to have a wheel to follow or chase you. Amazing scenery out there too, so different just 40 kilometers up the road. Lots of snow but dry roads until the dam on the way home, that was a wet/cold and gritty wind right across my face, ouch! Today I feel ok, not like I did what I did yesterday, we'll see what happens on today's ride, could be gold or could be pooh.

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