
wet dreams

wetter days are here, the cycle gets going and it takes more to break it each time. i need a new rain jacket, mine is worn out. the bike gets a power wash with sand of grit and lots of water every day. better get going on that rebuild. warm boiler room drys stuff fast. hot showers not hot enough. pushing thru the rain isn't bad, light from the sky is what turns me inside. too many fried outdoors the past few weeks to risk that one. cold and wet i'll take, wet and cooked, i'll pass. there is always more cables and housing and a fresh chain, not much i can do with a bolt from the sky. no rebuild will fix that. more early and less later is the program, rolls thru about lunch timen and stays the rest of the day. can i take lunch at 10.30? drier then. or a dryer too.

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