

my feet feel really big today, maybe it's the thought of being barefoot for a week or the thought of getting out but big feet make me think of taking giant steps. hopfully not misdirected ones. sunday it starts, when we return it's back to the search. something is out there. this is all exacerbated by the longest shooting star i have ever seen, i watched it for probably 15 seconds dashing across the sky in front me as i rode this morning. i like the idea of meteors falling in front of me on the trip to work, it makes me feel better about the world, that things are little less ordered, the pattern is not predetermined. i have wanted to be superstitious but i just can't believe that doing one thing over and over will alter the outcome, maybe that's why i lack real ocds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are no shooting stars.

There are only people that have been roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris.