

I lost the timfaia.com url because the email address attached to the godaddy account was cancelled when I lost my job. Bummer, I hope this post finds the very small group who read my words.
In the meantime it's now late summer and with cross coming I'm in purgatory, riding the mtb better than I think I have in a while and fighting the late season break down in gear, with the roads and bike paths too crowded to ride- it's dirt that's been the default destination, and last night's race showed just how much I've been riding the fat tires. A quick inspection after my legs earned a Stan's shower and I knew I pushed those tires one ride too far.
I want to have a good cross season but it's going to be battles better fought just to get there, I'm not really giving up on it just trying to justify the time gone and build up in my head for the intensity. I'm riding well and if someone decides to put on an uphill cross race, I'm in!
Please change any google reader feeds or whatever aggregator you use to the new timfaia.net link.
-Thank you for reading.

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